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Elementor – WordPress Page Builder



Elementor is a web authoring tool for WordPress.

It allows users to create and edit WordPress websites in a visual and easy-to-use way, without the need for programming knowledge.

Users can manage the structure of the website, add and edit content, and customize the style of their page, all with an easy-to-use graphical interface.

Elementor includes a set of widgets that can be used to add various functions and elements to the page, such as text, images, contact forms, sliders and more.

Elementor has become popular for its ease of use and the ability to produce professional websites without the need for complex code or prior technical knowledge.

It is a WordPress plugin that offers editing on the frontend of the website, allowing users to create content and customize the appearance of their website through a visual interface.

If you use content management systems (CMS) other than WordPress, then Elementor is not compatible with them.

Elementor offers several features that make it easy to create and design websites through WordPress.

Among its key features include:

Frontend Editing: you can edit the pages of your website directly in the frontend, i.e. you can immediately see how the content will appear during editing.

Widgets: provides a wide range of widgets that can be used to add various functions such as text, images, sliders, buttons, contact forms and more.

Responsive Design: Supports adaptive design so that your website looks good on all devices, from computers to mobile phones.

Special Pages (Templates): provides preset templates for various pages, such as homepage, service page, contact page, etc., to make it easier to create your content.

Visual Theme Options (Theme Styling): allows you to customize the style of your theme without requiring code, using visual tools.

Custom Code Integration: Provides the ability to import custom CSS and JavaScript code for more flexibility.

Community and Support: There is an active user and development community that provides support, resources and addons that extend Elementor’s capabilities.

Template Import: you can import templates from other websites or export your own templates for use on other pages.


Design Sharing: allows you to share design between different pages or even between different websites.

Ability to build entire themes (Theme Builder): offers a sophisticated “Theme Builder” that allows you to create custom pages, headers, footers and other parts of the website.

WooCommerce Compatibility: Supports the creation of custom product and store pages for users using WooCommerce, the e-commerce plugin for WordPress.

Motion Effects: Offers motion effects (parallax scrolling, freezing effects and more) that you can add to build dynamic pages.

Page Organizer (Page Navigator): A page navigation tool that allows you to easily organize and navigate your pages, especially when you have a large number of items.

These features contribute to creating fully functional, responsive and eye-catching websites through Elementor.

Elementor Ltd

Elementor was created by the Elementor Ltd. team and was first released in June 2016. Since then, it has evolved to become one of the most popular page design tools for WordPress.

Elementor offers a graphical design interface with a drag-and-drop system that allows users to create custom WordPress pages without the need for code knowledge.

It also has advanced features such as live, real-time previews and excellent compatibility with other WordPress plugins and themes.

Since its release, Elementor has gained a lot of popularity and is widely used by websites and content creators using WordPress.

In addition to the basic page design functionality, Elementor provides many additional features and capabilities for creating advanced WordPress websites.

Some of these include:

Custom Theme Builder: Elementor provides a Theme Builder that allows users to create custom headers, footers, and other parts of their theme without having to tinker with the code.

Global Styles (Global Styles): Global Styles allows for easy implementation and management of global styles for your website, such as colors, fonts, and more.

Ability to create Popups: you can create personalized popups using Elementor to promote offers or collect subscriptions.

Dynamic Content: You can use dynamic content and customization fields to create custom pages based on user or website information.

Built-in Element Library (Elementor Library): Contains pre-designed elements, sections and pages that you can use to speed up the design process.

Compatibility with Other Plugins: It is compatible with many other WordPress plugins and plugins, offering flexibility and scalability.

Elementor continues to evolve and be enhanced with innovative features, making it one of the most popular page design tools for WordPress.

Elementor Editions

Elementor offers a free version, known as Elementor Free, which provides many basic functions for creating and designing websites.

This free version is quite powerful and covers the basic needs of most users.

However, there is also an advanced version, known as Elementor Pro, which offers additional advanced features and options. To use Elementor Pro, you need to make a payment to obtain a license.

Elementor Pro’s advanced features include the ability to create entire themes, style customization capabilities, advanced widgets, stylistic analysis tools, and more. The advanced version is primarily intended for professional web designers and advanced users who need additional functionality.

The differences between the free version (Elementor Free) and the advanced version (Elementor Pro) include additional features and tools intended for more advanced website creation and customization.

Depending on your needs, you may likely find the following features useful:

Theme Builder: Elementor Pro provides the ability to create custom pages, headers, footers and other parts of the website, which is not included in the free version.

Advanced Widgets: the Pro version includes advanced widgets that extend your capabilities, such as Pro Gallery, Price Table, Reviews, Forms, and more.

Theme Styling Tools: allows you to customize the style of your theme elements, such as titles, fonts, colors, and more, without the need for additional CSS.

Special Design Tools: Includes additional design tools, such as cinematic parity (Motion Effects) and suppression effects (Landing Page Builder).

Special WooCommerce Support: Supports advanced design options for product pages, store pages and more related to WooCommerce.

Advanced Content Options: Elementor Pro offers advanced options for content management, including Dynamic Content, which allows you to dynamically link content from sources such as posts, users, and more.

Statistical Analysis Capabilities (Pro Statistics): Provides analytics statistics for the pages you create, such as number of visits and conversion rate.

Form Builder: the Pro version provides an advanced and flexible Form Builder for creating contact forms and other types of forms.

Integration with Other Tools and Services: The Pro version easily integrates with other tools and services such as Mailchimp, Zapier, ConvertKit, etc.

Support Prioritization: Elementor Pro users typically have priority support, offering faster response to potential problems or questions.

These differences cover a wide range of functionality, from creating custom theme pages to the ability to manage content and advanced forms, making Elementor Pro a powerful tool for professional web designers and advanced users.

Elementor Pro

With Elementor Pro you can create custom headers for your website.

Follow these steps to create a custom header with Elementor:

Install Elementor and Elementor Pro:

Make sure you have Elementor and Elementor Pro installed and activated in WordPress.

Make sure you have Elementor and Elementor installed and activated and that you have Elementor and Elementor installed and activated:

Create a new page or select an existing page to edit.

Activate the Design Tool (Edit with Elementor): Click the “Edit with Elementor” button to enter Elementor’s functional design mode.

Click on the Add Header button to click on the “Add Header” button: Add a title (Header) element to your page. You can find this widget in Elementor’s Widgets category.

Customize the Header: Customize your header as desired. You can add text, images, links, and other elements. Elementor Pro offers you advanced design and management options.

Page Layout Style Selection: Choose the page style you want, such as a fixed header, a sticky header (that remains visible as the user scrolls down), or other options.

Publish Page:  When you are satisfied with the header design, click the “Publish” button  to save the changes and publish the page.

This is a basic framework for creating a header with Elementor.

The customization possibilities are rich, and you can add many other elements and options depending on your site’s needs.

Creating a custom footer with Elementor Pro is also possible and similar to creating a custom header.

Follow these steps:

Select or Create a Page: As with the header, select an existing page or create a new page for the footer.

Activate the Design Tool (Edit with Elementor): Click the “Edit with Elementor” button to enter Elementor’s functional design mode.

Click on “Add a Title (Footer) to the Page: Add a title (Footer) widget to your page. Look for the title widget in Elementor’s category of elements (Widgets).

Customize the Footer: Customize your footer with text, images, links, and other elements. Use Elementor Pro’s design options to add styles.

Page Layout Style Selection: Select the type of page style you want for your footer, such as regular, sticky, or other options.

Publication of the Page: When you are satisfied with your footer, click the “Publish” button to save the changes and publish the page.

Using Elementor Pro, you have the ability to create custom headers and footers with rich content and style that fits your site’s exact needs and style.

Creating an article (post page) with Elementor Pro is easy and provides you with many customization options. Follow these steps to create an article page:

Select or Create Page: Select an existing article page or create a new page.

Create an existing article or create a new one.

Select or verify that you have activated the Design Tool (Edit with Elementor):

Click the “Edit with Elementor” button to enter Elementor’s functional drawing mode.

Click on the Add Content with Elementor button to click on the Add Content with Elementor button:

Add elements such as title, text, images, buttons, and other elements you want using Elementor.

Customize the Page Structure: You can customize the page layout, add grids, adjust columns, and customize the page style.

Select Page Layout Style: Select the page style you want, such as full width, with a sidebar, or other options.

Add Dynamic Content Capabilities (Optional): Elementor Pro offers Dynamic Content capabilities that allow you to incorporate dynamic content such as posts, users, and more.

Preview and Post: Preview your page to see how it looks.

When you’re satisfied, click the “Publish” button to save your changes and publish the page.

With Elementor Pro, you can create personalized article pages with advanced design tools and customization features.

In the context of WordPress, the term “archive” usually refers to pages that present grouped content based on category, date, author, and other criteria.

Creating a custom “archive” template with Elementor Pro allows users to create personalized archive pages that display content in a way that matches their design.

To create a custom archive page with Elementor Pro, follow these steps:

Create or Edit a Page: Create a new page or edit an existing page.

Create a new page, create a new page, create a new page, create a new page, create a new file, create a new page, create a new page, create a new file:

Click the “Edit with Elementor” button to enter Elementor’s functional drawing mode.

Click on the Add Title (Archive) button on the Page: Add a title (Archive) widget to your page. Look for the title widget in the Elementor’s category of elements (Widgets).

Customize the Page Structure: Customize the layout of your page as you like, adding grids, columns, and adjusting the style.

Add Dynamic Content Capabilities (Optional): If you want to incorporate dynamic content such as posts, you can use Elementor Pro’s Dynamic Content capabilities.

Select Page Layout Style (Page Layout Style): Select the page style type you want.

Publish Page: Preview and publish your page when you are satisfied.

With these steps, you can create a custom archive page with Elementor Pro that will present content in a way that fits your site’s needs and design.

Elementor Addons from Youtube

Elementor Addons

There are many plugins for Elementor that can extend its capabilities and provide additional functionality.

These plugins are usually created by third-party developers or companies.

Here are some of the popular plugins for Elementor:

Elementor Pro: The official Elementor extension plugin that offers additional features such as full theme control, Theme Builder, Pro Widgets, Dynamic Content capabilities, and more.

Elementor Header & Footer Builder: the Elementor Header & Footer Builder is a plugin for Elementor that allows you to create custom headers and footers for your website using the Elementor configurator.

With this add-on, you can build customized headers and footers without having to tweak your theme code.

Instead, you use Elementor’s graphical configurator to design exactly the header and footer you want.

Some of the features offered by “Elementor Header & Footer Builder” may include:

Custom Headers and Footers: create fully customized headers and footers for your website.

Easily Manage: Easily manage your headers and footers from Elementor’s configurator.

Design Options: Customize the look of your header and footer using Elementor’s design options.

Theme Compatibility: Works with many WordPress themes, giving you the freedom to choose your favorite theme.

With this plugin, you can create eye-catching headers and footers without the need for sloppy code.

Essential Addons for Elementor: “Essential Addons for Elementor” is an add-on for Elementor that offers additional elements, widgets, and tools to enhance the capabilities of the Elementor page builder.

It includes over 70 new elements for Elementor, including Blog Post Grid, Image Accordion, Timeline, and more.

This add-on usually offers a variety of design and functionality elements that you can incorporate into your pages.

Some of the features that are likely to be included in “Essential Addons for Elementor” are:

Additional Design Elements: new widgets and elements to enrich the design of your pages, such as text with image, voting, tabs, accordions, and more.

Interesting Effects and Animations: offers various effects and animations that you can apply to your page elements for a more immersive experience.

Add-ons for WooCommerce: Offers additional tools for designing and customizing your store pages if you are using WooCommerce.

Add-ons for Blog: additional tools for designing and displaying your blog posts.

Updates and Category Additions: New items and tools are constantly being added through updates

"Essential Addons for Elementor" includes many widgets that you can use to create custom pages with Elementor.

While the list may change over time through updates, here’s a general idea of some of the widgets that are commonly included:

Post Grid: displays blog posts or products from WooCommerce in a grid format.

Testimonials: Allows you to add and display customer testimonials.

Pricing Table: allows you to create pricing tables for your services or products.

Flip Box: A widget that adds feedback boxes with animated parts.

Image Gallery: allows you to create image galleries with various display styles.

Advanced Accordion:  An advanced widget for creating accordion elements.

Advanced Tabs: allows you to create advanced tabs for organizing content.

Team Members: displays the members of your team or partners.

Call to Action: Provides call to action items to promote services or products.

Image Hotspots: allows you to add virtual tags to images with pop-up information

Post Timeline: offers a chronology of your posts in an eye-catching way.

Protected Content: allows you to protect your content and make it accessible only to specific users or members.

Twitter Feed: Displays the latest tweets from a Twitter account.

Advanced Heading:  An advanced header widget that offers additional options for customizing text and style.

Data Table.

Data Table: Creates data tables with various styles and options.

Image Comparison: provides a component that allows you to compare two images with a drag-and-drop function.

Content Toggle: Creates a kind of accordion with a content toggle.

Interactive Promo: An interesting widget that adds interactive promotional elements.

Advanced Image Gallery: Offers advanced options for creating image galleries.

Countdown: allows you to add a countdown counter for special promotions or events.

Image Carousel: Creates an animated carousel of images.

Advanced Divider: Provides advanced options for dividers or gaps between elements.

Info Box: Adds information to a limited space with an image, title and text.

Facebook Feed: Displays recent posts from a Facebook page.

Toggle Content:  Allows you to create content toggles using pop-up areas.

Interactive Cards: offers cards that respond to user interaction.

Price Menu: creates price menus for restaurants or services.

Image Accordion: Provides an accordion of images.

Table of Contents: Creates a table of contents for large pages.

Review: displays ratings or reviews for products and services.

These are some of the widgets that are commonly included in “Essential Addons for Elementor”.

Also, note that the list is subject to change and new additions may be made through updates to the add-on.

Happy Addons: Happy Addons is another addon for Elementor, which is a popular page builder tool for WordPress.

Like other addons for Elementor, Happy Addons was designed to extend the functionality of Elementor and provide additional design features.

Happy Addons features can include additional widgets, styles and effects that are not present in the core Elementor.

By using add-ons like Happy Addons, users can configure their pages with more flexibility and add additional elements to their design.

Happy Addons includes many additional widgets that you can use in Elementor to add extra features and elements to your pages.

Some of these widgets may include:

Post Grid: displays a grid view of posts from your website.

Testimonials: allows you to add and view opinions and reviews from users.

Advanced Accordion: Provides advanced options for creating an accordion on your page.

Info Box: Displays information in a box, useful for highlighting certain services or information.

Dual Button: adds two buttons that you can customize for calling actions.

Team Member: Presents your staff or team with photos and contact information.

Timeline: creates a timeline to showcase events or accomplishments.

Image Compare: allows users to compare two images and see the differences.

Flip Box: Provides a flip effect to display content on the flip side.

Advanced Tabs: Allows the creation of advanced tabs to organize content.

Review: allows you to add reviews and ratings to your pages.

Particles: adds particle effects to create stunning backgrounds.

Post Carousel: Displays your posts in a carousel format.

These are a few widgets available.

It’s worth noting that the options may evolve over time, so it’s always good to check the official website or documentation for the latest additions and updates.

Ultimate Addons for Elementor: Offers more than 40 new items, including animated backgrounds, price tables, and card options.

“Ultimate Addons for Elementor” is an addon for Elementor, the popular page design tool for WordPress.

The main function of “Ultimate Addons for Elementor” is to add additional widgets, effects, and functions to Elementor, extending its capabilities.

Some of the widgets and functions that “Ultimate Addons for Elementor” can add include:

Dual Color Heading: allows the creation of headers with two colors.

Fancy Heading: Offers advanced options for stylistic headings.

Info Box: Displays information in an interesting box.

Testimonials: Presents customer reviews and opinions.

Price Box: Creates price tables for products or services.

Call to Action: Offers widgets for impressive call-to-action.

Advanced Button: Provides additional options for customizing buttons.

Countdown Timer: Allows you to add countdown timers for events or promotions.

Advanced Icon Box: Offers additional options for customizing content with icons.

Image Hotspots: allows adding “points of interest” to images with explanatory text.

Modal Popup Box: Creates popup windows with content, useful for displaying text, images or forms.

Post Timeline: displays your posts in a timeline.

Business Hours: Shows your business hours.

WooCommerce Widgets: special widgets that integrate WooCommerce features for product presentation.

These are a few examples, but “Ultimate Addons for Elementor” includes many other widgets and features to enhance Elementor’s design and capabilities.

Similar to other add-ons, you can check the official website or documentation for information about the latest updates and available features.

PowerPack for Elementor: Provides many additional elements such as popup triggers, custom map widgets, and scroll triggers.

“PowerPack for Elementor” is an addon for Elementor, the popular page design tool for WordPress.

The main function of PowerPack for Elementor is to add additional widgets and functions to Elementor in order to extend its capabilities.

Some of the widgets and functions that “PowerPack for Elementor” can add include:

Creative Widgets: additional options for creative design elements, such as streaming graphics, data representations and more.

Form Styler: Provides advanced styling options for the forms you create with Elementor.

Advanced Tabs: Allows you to create advanced tabs with more options.

WooCommerce Widgets: Provides specialized widgets for displaying products from WooCommerce.

Pricing Tables: creates pricing tables for presenting packages or services.

Gravity Forms Styler: Adds styling options for the forms you create with Gravity Forms.

Testimonial Slider: Offers up-to-date options for displaying your testimonials.

Team Showcase: showcases your team members with photos and contact information.

Image Gallery: Creates image galleries with various display options.

Info Box: Displays information in an eye-catching way.

Flip Box: Enables the ability to create text with reverse text.

Advanced Heading: Provides additional options for designing headings.

Image Hotspot: Allows the creation of virtual hotspots on images with information.

These are a few examples, but PowerPack for Elementor includes many other widgets and features to improve the design and functionality of Elementor.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official PowerPack for Elementor website or read its documentation.

Elementor WordPrees Plugin Addon

JetElements: offers additional design elements such as charts, data flow, custom fields, and more.

“JetElements” is an addon for Elementor, the popular page design tool for WordPress.

JetElements adds widgets and additional functionality to Elementor, allowing you to create more complex and dynamic pages without the need for programming knowledge.

Some of JetElements’ features include:

Advanced Carousel: An advanced widget for creating animated tabs, sliders and carousels.

Animated Box: Provides animated text and image elements for eye-catching design.

Post Grid: Displays your posts in a grid format.

Pricing Table: Creates pricing tables for presenting packages or services.

Map: Provides built-in Google Map for placements.

Portfolio: Displays your projects with various display options.

Countdown Timer: Adds reverse timers for special offers or events.

These are some of the many features JetElements offers. The plugin is constantly evolving, and may include new widgets and features with each new release.

If you are interested, you can visit the official JetElements website for more details and check out its documentation.

Elementor WordPrees Plugin Addon

Premium Addons for Elementor: Adds new elements, effects, and drawing options, including Particle Background, Section Parallax, and more.

“Premium Addons for Elementor” is an addon for Elementor, the popular page design tool for WordPress.

The main function of “Premium Addons for Elementor” is to add additional widgets, styles and features to Elementor, allowing you to create more advanced and personalized page designs.

Some of the features that may be included in “Premium Addons for Elementor” include:

Premium Widgets: adds quality widgets such as Advanced Data Table, Flip Box, Image Layers, Instagram Feed, and more.

Header & Footer Builder: Allows for easy design and customization of the header and footer.

Cross-Domain Copy Paste: Allows copy-paste between different domains of your website.

Shape Divider: adds decorative shapes to the sections of your page.

Particles Effect: Adds eye-catching particle effects to the background of your modules.

Content Toggle: Creates alternating content that can be shown/hidden.

Premium Templates: provides custom design templates for various categories of websites.

“Premium Addons for Elementor” is constantly evolving and upgrading, and adds new features to improve the design experience with Elementor.

For more details, you can visit the official website or the add-on documentation.

Crocoblock JetPlugins: a package of plugins that includes various tools such as JetElements, JetWooBuilder, JetMenu, and others, for extended capabilities.

Crocoblock JetPlugins is a suite of plugins for Elementor, the popular page design tool for WordPress.

These plugins add additional functions, widgets, and features to Elementor, allowing users to create more complex and sophisticated pages.

The Crocoblock suite includes several add-ons, including JetPlugins, which may include:

JetElements: adds many advanced widgets such as Advanced Carousel, Pricing Table, Posts, Testimonials, and more.

JetWooBuilder: Expands the page design capabilities for WooCommerce by providing advanced widgets for product display.

JetThemeCore: Provides tools for designing and managing themes in conjunction with Elementor.

JetBlocks: adds various widgets for the header and footer of the website.

JetTricks: Offers additional effects and animations for the page, such as sticky elements, particles effects, and more.

JetPlugins offer many tools to improve the design and development experience in conjunction with Elementor.

It is important to note that the Crocoblock suite includes other plugins beyond JetPlugins, and the scope of its capabilities may depend on the specific license obtained.

AnyWhere Elementor: Offers the ability to embed Elementor in areas outside of the page content, such as sidebars, headers, and footers.

“AnyWhere Elementor” is an addon for Elementor that extends Elementor’s capabilities to the way you manage and display content in WordPress.

AnyWhere Elementor allows you to create custom content fields, specific to the pages you design with Elementor.

Some of the main features of AnyWhere Elementor include:

Custom Content Fields: Allows you to add custom content fields to the pages you design with Elementor, allowing you to customize the content.

You can incorporate Custom Fields per Page: Allows you to embed custom type fields on your pages.

Columns and Grids: Provides you with more options for designing columns and grids in Elementor.

Dynamic Content Display Capability: Allows you to display dynamic content from your database.

AnyWhere Elementor is especially useful when you need more control and customization in how content is displayed on your pages created with Elementor.

Dynamic Content for Elementor: allows you to create dynamic content using the capabilities of Custom Fields, Post Types, and more.

“Dynamic Content for Elementor” is an addon for Elementor that provides dynamic content capabilities.

The term “dynamic content” refers to the ability to feed pages with content that changes dynamically, either based on user parameters or from external sources.

Some of the key features of “Dynamic Content for Elementor” may include:

Ability to Create Dynamic Fields: you can create fields that are dynamically fed, dependent on user input, date, time, and other parameters.

Dynamic Content Integration: You can embed dynamic content from other sources such as publications, pages, or custom fields.

Conditions and Visibility Rules: You can set visibility conditions and rules for dynamic fields, controlling when they are shown or hidden.

Integration with Other Elementor Add-ons: “Dynamic Content for Elementor” integrates seamlessly with Elementor, allowing you to use Elementor’s powerful design tools in conjunction with its dynamic content capabilities.

With “Dynamic Content for Elementor”, users can create more specialized and personalized pages with capabilities to manage the content displayed on their pages.

Crocoblock JetPlugins: a package of plugins that includes various tools such as JetElements, JetWooBuilder, JetMenu, and others, for extended capabilities.

Crocoblock JetPlugins refers to a suite of plugins added to Elementor, a popular page design tool for WordPress.

JetPlugins are owned by Crocoblock and provide additional features, widgets and tools for creating sophisticated websites using Elementor.

The Crocoblock JetPlugins suite includes several plugins, among which may include:

JetElements: adds many advanced widgets such as Advanced Carousel, Pricing Table, Posts, Testimonials, and more.

JetWooBuilder: Expands the page design capabilities for WooCommerce by providing advanced widgets for product display.

JetThemeCore: Provides tools for designing and managing themes in conjunction with Elementor.

JetBlocks: adds various widgets for the header and footer of the website.

JetTricks: Offers additional effects and animations for the page, such as sticky elements, particles effects, and more.

JetPlugins usually target various web design and development needs, offering advanced features without the need for programming knowledge.

It is important to note that the collection of JetPlugins may change over time as new features and add-ons are added to the Crocoblock suite.

Livemesh Addons for Elementor: Adds many creative elements such as maps, carousels, list items, and more.

“Livemesh Addons for Elementor” is an addon for Elementor, which adds additional features and widgets to Elementor, allowing you to create more complex and advanced pages in WordPress.

Some of the features included in “Livemesh Addons for Elementor” may include:

Advanced Design Elements: adds new widgets to Elementor, such as elements for animated text, custom icons, and more.

Graphics Elements: Adds widgets for graphic elements such as icons, graphics, progress bars, and value tables.

List and Grid Elements: Offers widgets for creating lists and grids with various styles and options.

Accordion and Tab Elements: Provides widget for creating accordions and tabs to organize content.

Page Elements: Additional tools for managing the structure and design of pages.

“Livemesh Addons for Elementor” offers a flexible and extensive collection of widgets and functions to help create advanced web pages with Elementor.

It is important to check the official website or the add-on documentation for the latest updates and details.

Premium Addons PRO: Offers additional elements such as Dual Heading, Image Hotspot, Instagram Feed, and more, for extra design options.

“Premium Addons PRO” is an extension (addon) for Elementor, which is a popular page design tool for WordPress.

Premium Addons PRO offers additional widgets, tools, and features that extend the capabilities of Elementor, allowing you to create more advanced and specialized web designs.

Some of the features included in Premium Addons PRO may include:

Advanced Widget: adds new widgets to Elementor, such as Flip Box, Image Hotspots, Team Members, Testimonials, and more.

Enhanced Design Controls: Provides additional design options for widgets, allowing you to control their style and appearance.

Element Combination Capability: allows you to combine various elements to create more complex structures.

Additional Effects: offers effects such as Particles, Parallax, CSS Transformations and more to create stunning designs.

Advanced Scrolling Options: Adds advanced scrolling options for customized appearances.

Premium Addons PRO is frequently updated to add new features and improve compatibility with the latest versions of Elementor.

Before purchasing, it is advisable to check the official website for the latest information and details about the add-on.

Elementor WordPrees Plugin Addon.

Master Addons for Elementor: Adds new features such as Hotspot, Image Compare, Cross-Domain Copy-Paste, and more.

“Master Addons for Elementor” is an addon for Elementor, which extends the capabilities of Elementor with additional widgets, tools and functions.

Master Addons is designed to provide additional design options and convenience to Elementor users, allowing them to create advanced and specialized pages.

Some of the features of “Master Addons for Elementor” may include:

Advanced Widget: adds new widgets to Elementor, such as Advanced Accordion, Advanced Tabs, Image Comparison, Hotspot, Carousel, and more.

Animated Underwater World Effects (Particle Background): Adds stunning underwater world effects for your pages.

Advanced Design Elements: additional options for designing your elements, including color and style customization.

Notification and Popup Elements: Provides widgets for creating notifications and popups on your pages.

Advanced Display Settings: additional control options for displaying your elements in various conditions.

Master Addons aims to provide additional features and tools to facilitate the design process with Elementor.

Before installing, it is important to check the latest updates and information on the official website or documentation of the add-on.

Elementor WordPrees Plugin Addon.

Element Pack: contains more than 170 elements for Elementor, including Countdown Timer, Team Members, Lightbox, and more.

Add-ons for Elementor, such as the Element Pack, add new widgets, tools, and features to Elementor, allowing you to create more advanced and complex pages.

Some possible features of the Element Pack may include:

Advanced Widget: adds new widgets to Elementor, such as Advanced Accordion, Testimonial Carousel, Image Comparison, Hotspot, and more.

Design Elements: Additional options for designing elements, including customizing color and style.

Effects and Animation: Offers additional effects and animations to add dynamic style to pages.

Page Elements: Provides widgets for creating page structures such as titles, accordions, tabs, and more.

HT Mega Menu: “HT Mega Menu” is an addon for WordPress that extends the possibilities of creating menus in WordPress.

More specifically, it provides additional tools for creating advanced and specialized menus, including mega menus, which are large, layered menus that include many supporting elements such as images, text, and more.

Some of the features that “HT Mega Menu” can offer include:

Various Mega Menu Styles: options for various mega menu styles such as columns, rows, and boxes.

Advanced Customization Capabilities: Customize colors, font, styles, and other features.

Image and Multimedia Support: Ability to embed images, videos, and other multimedia into the mega menu.

Add Widget Capability: incorporates the ability to add widgets to the mega menu, allowing for customization of content.

Layout Flexibility: Ability to configure the layout of the mega menu with columns and rows.

“HT Mega Menu” usually offers additional possibilities to create advanced and specialized menus, adding more flexibility to manage the navigation of your WordPress site.

Elementor WordPrees Plugin Addon.

ElementsKit: “ElementsKit” is an addon for Elementor, which is a popular page design tool for WordPress.

ElementsKit adds additional features and widgets to Elementor, allowing you to create more complex and advanced pages.

Some of the features that may be included in ElementsKit are:

Advanced Widget: adds new widgets to Elementor, such as Advanced Accordion, Advanced Tabs, Flip Box, Image Comparison, and more.

Advanced Elements Design: Provides additional design options such as advanced font features, shading, text effects, and more.

Page Tools: Offers tools for managing page structure, such as headers, footer, and sidebar areas.

Effects and Animations: Incorporates effects and animations to add dynamics to your page.

Built-in Tabs System (Tabs): Provides advanced tab widgets for content organization.

ElementsKit usually tries to extend the capabilities of Elementor, making page design more flexible and advanced.

Before installing, it is important to check the official ElementsKit website for the latest updates and details about the plugin.

WooLentor: Offers specialized widgets for WooCommerce, such as products, categories, shopping cart, and more.

Additional features such as showing the most promoted products, product comparisons, and the ability to add to cart from the product page.

WooLentor is an addon for Elementor that allows users to customize and optimize WooCommerce product pages in WordPress.

It belongs to the category of extensions that extend Elementor’s capabilities in terms of page design and product presentation in online stores.

Some of the features offered by WooLentor include:

Advanced Widgets for WooCommerce: It offers advanced widgets for Elementor that are designed specifically for presenting products, shopping cart, categories and other WooCommerce elements.

Advanced Design Options: Provides advanced customization options for designing product pages, including colors, fonts, and flexible layouts.

Upgraded Product Page Elements: Allows you to add advanced elements to product pages, such as price display mode options, product descriptions, “Add to Cart” buttons, etc.

Advanced Design Rules: allows you to define design rules that apply to specific product categories or specific pages.

By using WooLentor, users can take advantage of advanced design and product presentation capabilities using Elementor’s creative design on WooCommerce pages.

Elementor WordPrees Plugin Addon.

JetWooBuilder: allows the creation of custom product pages with Elementor.

It offers advanced widgets such as “Product Title,” “Product Price,” and “Add to Cart,” for customizing product page content.

JetWooBuilder is an addon for Elementor that focuses on extending Elementor’s capabilities in the WooCommerce domain.

It belongs to the JetPlugins family of addons, which provides several additional tools and features for Elementor.

Some features and functions offered by JetWooBuilder include:

WooCommerce Enhanced Widgets: offers new and specialized widgets designed for WooCommerce product paging and presentation.

Examples include the “Products Grid,” “Products List,” “Products Tiles,” and more.

Design Capabilities: Provides sophisticated design options for product pages, including customization of colors, font, layout, and more.

Product Category Management Capabilities: offers additional tools for managing product categories, such as the “Category Tiles” widget for displaying selected categories.

Filter and Sorting System: provides tools to create custom filters and sorting options for products.

JetWooBuilder helps Elementor users create advanced product pages with the distinctive design that Elementor offers, while enhancing WooCommerce’s product management capabilities.

Elementor developer.

Elementor developer: An Elementor developer must have an understanding and experience of the various functions and features offered by Elementor in order to create advanced and customized projects.

Some of these features include:

Page Design: Understanding Elementor’s drag-and-drop drawing system to create custom pages.

Theme Builder: using Theme Builder to create custom templates for header, footer, single post/page, and other parts of the theme.

Dynamic Content: implementing dynamic content for custom pages that change based on user information or other conditions.

Live Collaboration Elements (Popups): Create custom popups for notifications, subscriptions, and more.

Form Builder: use Elementor’s form building capabilities to collect data from users.

Identifying and Resolving Problems (Debugging): Understanding the procedures for identifying and resolving problems that may arise when building with Elementor.

Expansion with Addons: Knowledge of third-party extensions and additional functionality that enhance Elementor’s capabilities (such as addons for WooCommerce).

CSS/HTML/PHP coding: Ability to customize code for advanced functionality not covered by the graphic design.

By understanding these features, an Elementor developer can create advanced and custom projects that meet their clients’ needs.